Sunday, October 28, 2007

Thank God It’s Sunday. We finally have our apartment back to ourselves, so we can lounge around in pajamas and feel lazy. Week of My German Roommate has ended happily with she happily moved (with movers, thank god) into a nice room in a massive renovated house that looks like the pub from “Shaun of the Dead” inhabited by Friendly Gay Doctor and Hetero Marketing Rep who walks around with no shirt on. Zaniness is certain to ensue.

I celebrated by laying around, reading New Yorkers and running errands. And, acting spontaneously.

Spontaneity Example #1: 9:40pm: Watching Real Time with Bill Maher, Gary Kasparov introduced. Having just read a really interesting piece about him and his attempt to reform Russian politics (see reading New Yorkers) I said:

Me: I really want to learn to play chess.

DG: Yeah. I think you would like it. Hey! Let’s go get a chess set!

So, we raced to our local Target and had chess set and bottle of wine in hand by 10:05pm. I don’t recommend wine + chess for learning purposes, but for freeing your mind to see the dimensions of the board, it totally rocks. I think I’ve got the hang of it. It’s a lot like holding the plot of the Godfather films in your head, so I think I will enjoy it.

Speaking of spontaneity, we went to an AIGA event at this local furniture store last week. It was awesome. In the midst of a presentation by the owners (who I have dubbed Eames-Richmond) I realized how much I love furniture. I kind of realized it when I had an emotional moment in the Art Nouveau collection at the VMFA (the enormity of this collection, and the free admission to wander through it is one of the best things about this city, thanks so Sidney & Frances Lewis who should have major publications banging down their door to write a piece honoring their contribution to modern art collecting pronto) and wanted to pull a “From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler” , curl up on the Ruhlmann “Sun Bed” and spend some quality time with the furniture.

Granted, I don’t own anything close to the authentic/design-relevant pieces they sell--but I just so enjoyed listening to the owners talk about how their collection started, and why chairs matter and how you shouldn’t just fill a room with furniture for the sake of it.

So, my friend PB bought this chair and and has suffered endless questions from friends. I mean, I can’t afford something in that price range right now, but I fully defend his aesthetic desire to own it. And, I to sit on it at his next party. Unfortunately, one acquaintance justified it this way, “My friend bought a $2,000 chair that has speakers.”

And on that note, I will pick up Project Bedroom where we left off.

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