Friday, October 19, 2007

The Return of Barf Friday

Though I did not think it was possible, this week HAS gotten worse. Unbelievable. Here is a re-cap from yesterday to present:

1. Had very bad meeting with directors of local arts orgs* who love nothing more than to complain.

2. The "alternative" mag DG writes movie reviews for folded because the mega-mediocre-media company that runs it once it to be less edgy.

3. I fell down on the median of very posh street while running and hurt my knee.

4. Walking into my apt. parking lot this morning, ran into my neighbor who found a wallet in our garden. Apparently, someone was robbed and the culprit decided to take a seat in our backyard and rifle through the wallet.

5. Frustrated!

I am getting so tired of the backstabbing, unfriendly mentality of this place. Argh.

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