1. Don't attempt unsupervised yoga when you have a recurring back problem which may cause you to pull a muscle and nearly miss your long-awaited hair salon visit for fear of not being able to get out of the chair.
2. Do not assume that, just because your hairdresser is gay, that he will automatically know the difference between a "Gwen Stefani-esque bob" and a BobKat bob.
3. Learn to embrace your inner Katie Holmes and fight like the dickens to wrestle your hair into the Carrie Bradshaw Season 5 hairstyle:

Coinicidentally, the expression she is sharing with Mr. Winkie the dog was pretty much my expression last night at the bitter end of a party we attended last night.It was kind of like when Darth Vader took his mask off--as in, we were having a really nice night, good vibes, good food, and then all of the sudden--politics reared its ugly head. Here are some important take-away points
*Leave all Red State parties before 2am when you do not have prior knowledge of the majority of attendess political leanings.
*Do not expect that high-fiving your friends and excitedly discussing your "ShObama the Love" sleepover fundraiser will please and amuse the NeoCons attending said party. Further, do not ask "So, who are you thinking of voting for?" while sitting around a bonfire in the former capital of the confederacy. I think proximity to fire brings out some ancient propensity to crazy talk and big stick waving.
*Leave any and all social gatherings, parties or conversations when a guest says, repeatedly, "What we really need is a poll tax."
In brighter news, I watched the first season of "Mary Tyler Moore." It was great and left me craving short dresses and boots. I love Rhoda--Mary is a little too flibberty jibberty. I think they need to bring back the old syndicated shows to offset the writer's strike ennui. Me, I'm going to return to television's golden era-coincidentally, the time when I first became conscious of sitcoms--and re-visit the classics: Mary Tyler Moore, Rhoda, Mash, One Day at a Time, Good Times and Maude.
Who's with me?
1 comment:
oh. my. gah! shannon! I totally just watched the first season of the MTM show too. we are always tracking - it's scary. I loved rhoda too. Mary was a little bit of a goody goody but Rhoda!
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