Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I woke up this morning with one word in my head: Gilgamesh. You know, the mythological hero-king from Babylon??

The full dream: I was taking a class on a freighter docked in Manhattan. The class had something to do with the bible and we were supposed to read the text and then re-create (out of clay) a new modern biblical world.


Recipe for Strange Biblical Dreams:

1 tablet methocarbamol (muscle relaxant for bad back)
1 hour "Heroes"
Marinate overnight in the subconscious

It must be my Catholic upbrining, but every time I dream in biblical terms I get a little uneasy. Especially with the current state of the world. I don't want to have to live on a freighter and re-create the world out of clay like some weird twist on "And God created the world in 7 days." If only I had access to high-powered tv producers--my methocarbamol-induced dreams could make it to prime time!

Now, back to the real non-profit arts sitcom of my life. ..

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